What's the Future for Children in Conflict with the Law in Scotland?

What's the Future for Children in Conflict with the Law in Scotland?

Howard League Scotland
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 - 17:00

Are we still treading an enlightened path in keeping with the Kilbrandon Report and its welfarist approach or does the presence of any children in the prison system (no matter how few), mean that we're still focusing on their deeds and not their needs? Sheriff David Mackie (Chair of the Children's Hearing Working Group) and Fiona Dyer (Director of CYCJ) will share their thoughts in HLS's first webinar on what could, and should, happen to children whose offending behaviour bring them into conflict with the law. This will be followed by a short interactive Q&A session.

Our "What’s the future for children in conflict with the law in Scotland?" talk will delivered live online with an audience who can ask questions and get involved, or just watch. And the talk replay will be available for 60 days after the event. 

Join us on online on Wednesday 12 April at 5pm by booking* your place here.