Punishment Reports

Justice Analytical Services (JAS) Safer Communities and Justice Statistics Monthly Data Report

On 31 August 2023, Justice Analytical Services (JAS) Safer Communities and Justice Statistics Monthly Data Report August 2023 was published. It reports that the median time spent on remain is now 70 days, with 30% of those on remand spending more than 140 days in that status. Of those remanded into custody in July 2023 with known offence types, the most represented offences (by far) were common assault; crimes against public justice; and serious assault and attempted murder.

Recorded Crime in Scotland 2021-2022

On 28 June 2022 the Recorded Crime in Scotland 2021-2022 figures were published. They showed that “recorded crime remains at one of the lowest levels since 1974 and is down 41% since 2006-07, with non-sexual violent crime down 36% over the same period and homicides at their lowest level since 1976".

Judged on Progress: the Need for Urgent Delivery on Scottish Justice Sector Reforms

On 10/01/22 the Scottish Parliament’s Criminal Justice Committee published its report, ‘Judged on Progress: the Need for Urgent Delivery on Scottish Justice Sector Reforms’. It’s a weighty piece with recommendations across the following areas: the impact of Covid 19 on the justice sector; prisons and prison policy; misuse of drugs and the criminal justice system; violence against women and girls; victims’ rights and victim support; reducing youth offending, offering community justice solutions and alternatives to custody; and legal aid.          Importantly, it includes an Action Plan for the Scottish Justice Sector in this session of Parliament, which include monitoring mechanisms e.g. did the Scottish Government agree to the recommendation to deliver the manifesto commitment not to hold under 18s in HMP Polmont – yes/no/in part – with progress against delivery.

Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) Criminal Case Throughput Data

On 17 November 2020, the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) published data on criminal case throughput.

Key points:

           - following an initial reduction after lockdown, the overall level of new cases registered has risen to 78% of the average monthly pre-COVID level

           - petitions (a useful indicator of future solemn business), are 15% higher than the average monthly pre-COVID level

           - with High Court remote jury centres now in place, evidence led trials are now 67% of the average monthly pre-COVID level

           - remote Jury Centres are being extended across Scotland to re-start sheriff court jury trials

           - evidence led summary trials in the Sheriff Courts are now 83% of the average monthly pre-COVID levels

           - the total volume of cases (not necessarily those that go on to a trial) concluded in October was 82% of the average monthly pre-COVID level.  

Council of Europe's European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Report

On 8 October 2020, the Council of Europe Anti-Torture Committee published its report on the United Kingdom focusing on Scottish prisons. This was a follow up to their 2018 visit. Many of their recommendations had not been implemented, particularly around high-secure mental health accommodation provision for women. This chimes with calls for governance of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) to be revised and to find a way to make their recommendations legally enforceable.





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