Criminal Justice Committee

Judged on Progress: the Need for Urgent Delivery on Scottish Justice Sector Reforms

On 10/01/22 the Scottish Parliament’s Criminal Justice Committee published its report, ‘Judged on Progress: the Need for Urgent Delivery on Scottish Justice Sector Reforms’. It’s a weighty piece with recommendations across the following areas: the impact of Covid 19 on the justice sector; prisons and prison policy; misuse of drugs and the criminal justice system; violence against women and girls; victims’ rights and victim support; reducing youth offending, offering community justice solutions and alternatives to custody; and legal aid.          Importantly, it includes an Action Plan for the Scottish Justice Sector in this session of Parliament, which include monitoring mechanisms e.g. did the Scottish Government agree to the recommendation to deliver the manifesto commitment not to hold under 18s in HMP Polmont – yes/no/in part – with progress against delivery.

Membership of the new Scottish Parliament Criminal Justice Committee Announced

On 17 June 2021, membership of the new Scottish Parliament Criminal Justice Committee was announced as follows:

  • Audrey Nicoll (Convenor) (SNP)
  • Russell Findlay (Vice-Convenor) (Conservative)
  • Rona Mackay (SNP)
  • Collette Stevenson (SNP)
  • Fulton MacGregor (SNP)
  • Pauline McNeill (Labour)
  • Katy Clarke (Labour)
  • Jamie Greene (Conservative)




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