
HMIPS Annual Report 2021-2022

On 11 November 2022 HMIPS published its Annual Report 2021-2022 in which it described Scotland’s prisons during the pandemic as “places of containment, rather than          rehabilitation”, questioning the equivalence of healthcare in and outside prisons, and yet again, drawing attention to serious issues of remand; overcrowding; child imprisonment; barriers to progression; and the estate’s ageing infrastructure – going so far as to moot the possibility of some prisons being closed.

HMIPS Strategic Plan 2022-2025

During November His Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons for Scotland (HMIPS) published its Strategic Plan for 2022-2025 which interestingly, included a strategic objective to develop a methodology for unannounced inspections of prisons.

HMP Shotts: Full Prison Inspection

On 2 November 2022 a full inspection report of HMP Shotts from May 2022 was published. Areas of concern included: delays in progression; insufficient pre-release preparation; lack of stability in senior management positions; poor rating of patient care; staff shortages; and a high incidence of substance related issues.

For the first time it included a pilot pre-inspection survey with prisoners, which included some concerning findings e.g. 46% of respondents reported having witnessed staff abusing, threatening, bullying or assaulting another prisoner in the prison; 77% of respondents reported that the complaints system worked ‘quite’ or ‘very’ badly; and 49% of respondents did not know how contact an Independent Prison Monitor (IPM).

HMIPS Annual Report 2020-2021

On 02/11/21 HMIPS published its Annual Report 2020- 2021, advising that overcrowding, social isolation, an ageing estate, access to purposeful and rehabilitative activity, the numbers on remand, the high prevalence of mentally unwell people, the backlog in offending behaviour work and access to consistent health remained “highly problematic”. It noted human rights entitlement of access to fresh air was routinely compromised during COVID-19 outbreaks and that “IPMs continued to receive multiple requests regarding perceived barriers to        progression from prisoners. These concerned the suspension of offending behaviour programmes, delays in temporary release applications and general queries related to risk management decisions and integrated case management processes”.

HMIPS Health and Well-Being Pre-Inspection Survey

On 28/10/21 28/10/21 HMIPS published a health and wellbeing pre-inspection survey that was piloted on the under 18 population in HMP YOI Polmont. It was developed with CYCPS and CYCJ and is going be further developed for the adult population as a pilot in 2022. Despite the very small sample, there appeared to be some encouraging results around perceptions of safety and support. However, there were some serious concerns around the lack of time out of cell, close to the definition of solitary confinement, and insufficient access to rehabilitative activity opportunities.





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