recorded crime statistics

Recorded Crime in Scotland 2022-2023

On 20 June 2023 the Scottish Government’s Recorded Crime in Scotland 2022-2023 figures were published. Since last year, crimes recorded by the police in Scotland increased by 1%, with the recording of crime remaining at one of the lowest levels seen since 1974. Non-sexual crimes of violence decreased by 1%; crimes of dishonesty increased by 11%; and sexual crimes decreased by 3%. However, recorded sexual crime has increased by 70% over the past 10 years.

Recorded Crime in Scotland 2021-2022

On 28 June 2022 the Recorded Crime in Scotland 2021-2022 figures were published. They showed that “recorded crime remains at one of the lowest levels since 1974 and is down 41% since 2006-07, with non-sexual violent crime down 36% over the same period and homicides at their lowest level since 1976".

Recorded Crime in Scotland 2020-2021

On 28/09/21 the Recorded Crime in Scotland, 2020-2021 figures were published which included the following key points: between 2019-20 and 2020-21, crimes recorded by the police in    Scotland remained almost unchanged; non-sexual crimes of violence decreased by 4%; sexual crimes decreased by 2%; crimes of dishonesty decreased by 19; fire-raising, vandalism etc. decreased by 10%; and other crimes increased by 10%. Most of these crimes relate to drug possession, crimes against public justice or handling offensive weapons.





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